Sustainability Achievements

  • PLANET’s profits from global market grew steadily, with EPS reaching NTD 7.01 in 2022, the best in the past years.
  • Ranked in the top 5% TPEx-listed companies in the “Corporate Governance Evaluation” held by TWSE and TPEx.
  • Ranked No. 1 among the medium-sized companies in the “2022 Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Award”, receiving the award for the 16th consecutive year.
  • PLANET’s Sustainability Report adopted SASB Standards and obtained third party assurance.
  • Reporting the TCFD climate-related financial disclosure framework in the Sustainability Report for the first time.
  • Received a “Golden Award” for its Sustainability Report under the “2022 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award”.
  • The green and innovative design of PLANET’s Industrial 5G NR IoT Gateway received “2022 Taiwan Excellence Award” and the “2022 Computex Best Choice Golden Award”.
  • Enhanced responsible supply chain management. In 2022, 100% of the suppliers signed the "Declaration of Compliance with Supply Chain Code of Conduct".
  • The scope of GHG inventory extended to suppliers, and the Company obtained its first ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory certification in 2023.
  • In response to the RE10X10 initiative, the Company has used green electricity since July 2022. By December 2022, 29,000 KWH of solar green electricity had been used and 29 certificates of renewable energy had been obtained.
  • PLANET worked with International Nature Restoration Action Association to promote the “Clean air, Clear mind action” program. Through the use of rice straw decomposing bacteria, the problem of air pollution and carbon emission caused by burning rice straws can be reduced, and rice straw waste can be decomposed and recycled on the site, which will increase soil organic substances to protect biodiversity. In 2022, rice straw decomposing bacteria were first used in the rice fields in Hualien and Changhua. PLANET called on 77 enterprises to participate in the adoption of 4,100 hectares of rice fields, reducing carbon emissions by 36,900 tons.
  • PLANET participated in the adoption of Pinglin organic tea plantation for the 12th consecutive year. In 2022, employee adoption rate was 84%, expending the area of Pinglin organic tea plantations from 1 hectare in 2010 to 53 hectares in 2022.
《Sustainable Employment》
  • PLANET strives to maintain a happy workplace of equality, diversity and integration. In 2022, there were no cases of discrimination in its employment.
  • The total training hours of all employees in 2022 was 2,977 hours, with an average of 18.84 hours per person, an increase of 1.52 hours per person compared with 2021 (17.32 hours).
  • In 2022, the education subsidy for employees' children was paid to 137 children. From 2006 to 2022, 1,099 children benefited from the education subsidy for employees' children.
  • PLANET has achieved zero occupational injury and disease for five consecutive years from 2018 to 2022, and been certified by the Ministry of Labor, Executive Yuan.
  • Obtained the “2022 Sports Enterprise Certification” from the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education for the first time, and obtained the “Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace” from the Health Promotion Administration.
《Social Engagement》
  • PLANET has been implementing the “Remedial education/ psychological counseling for disadvantaged children” Since 2004. From 2004 to 2022, a total of 10,391 disadvantaged children benefited from the remedial education and counseling, and 2,086 teachers and volunteers were sponsored by PLANET through development group activities. In total, 12,477 persons were sponsored by the Company.
  • PLANET has been supporting the “Program for Promoting Children’s Reading Habits in Rural Areas-Give Children a Bright Future” since 2014. From 2014 to 2022, the Company sponsored 21 elementary schools and 1 junior high school in Changhua County, helping students of 1,458 classes cultivate the habit of regular reading and develop an international view. During 2021 and 2022, PLANET called on more than a hundred Taiwan and foreign role model enterprises to support the program, benefiting more than 120,000 students from 460 schools.
  • PLANET supported the “Clean air, Clear mind action” program. The Company called on the government, 77 enterprises, and environmental protection organizations to support famers in Hualien and Changhua counties to use the rice straw decomposing bacteria to replace the burning of rice straws, which covered 4,100 hectares and reduced carbon emission by 36,900 tons. The new method can enhance soil carbon sequestration and prevent air pollution, thus creating a better environment.