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2024-06-05 GSD-1002M 1.305b240426 Functions added -
Added PSTI function.
FW upgrade for PSTIA (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act)
*Note: After updating the firmware, you will need to enter the product's MAC code at the first login. Please record the MAC code before proceeding with the update.
2021-07-09 GSD-1002M 1.305b210628 Functions added -
(1) Added ERPS ring support.
(2) Added enhanced cybersecurity support.
(3) Added PLANET CloudViewer app and NMS controller support.
(4) Supports SNMP LLDP MIB.
2015-02-26 GSD-1002M 1.0b150211 Supports auto mode for SFP slots.
Bug fixed – SNMP configuration could not be saved after reboot.
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