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The ICA-HM220W has fully support WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK encryptions properly.

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Regarding this detail descriptions, it is suggested to download the product FAQ: ftp://ftp.planet.com.tw/IP Surveillance and read the documentation for more understandings, thank you.

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Due to the ICA-1200 series use the iron plate of back to heat sink that avoids high temperature result in unit crashing. We had done a temperature test for long time and not effect the function of ICA-1200 Series.

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Check IP address of device by using the PLANET Smart Discovery Lite program or by UPnP discovery or set the device to default by the Reset button.

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Check the IP address of device by using the PLANET IP Wizard II program or by UPnP discovery or set the device to default by the Reset button.

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The default username and password is admin/null (leave password blank no default password).

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Make sure that your Internet Explorer is version 6.0 or later. If you are experiencing problems, try upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer from the Microsoft webpage.

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